Water touches every aspect of development and it links with nearly every Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). It drives economic growth, supports healthy ecosystems, and is essential and fundamental for life itself

- The World Bank

Exploring, protecting and sustainably using groundwater will be central to surviving and adapting to climate change and meeting the needs of a growing population

- United Nations

Climate change will be sudden and cataclysmic. We need to act fast

- World Economic Forum

The world’s climate-stressed and pollution-degraded farming and agricultural system must shift quickly to sustainable practices to feed an additional 2 billion mouths expected by 2050


733 million

people live in high and critically water-stressed countries

76 million tonnes of CO2

Created by desalination plants per year

Climate CHANGE

Average sea level rise is predicted to be 24–30 cm

9.3 Billion people

More people to feed by 2050


Solving the challenges of tomorrow

We leverage the natural water cycle as an ally to produce water sustainably and irrigate crops on floating farms, thereby addressing two of our time's most pressing issues: water shortage and accessibility to fresh food.


Sustainability at the Cutting Edge

Manhat's advanced technology is designed to produce water sustainably from open water surfaces by collecting evaporated water and emulating the natural water cycle with no carbon footprint and no brine rejection.


Delivering Floating Farms of the future

Manhat has developed the world's first water technology that can be used to deliver floating farm solutions. We capture freshwater from evaporated water on open water surfaces in a sustainable manner and utilize it directly to irrigate the floating farms.

We Are Solving Some of Today’s Toughest GLOBAL Issues

Population Growth
Water Scarcity
Overuse of Chemicals
Declining Arable Land
Food Waste


We would want to build and nurture a society where there is a better water future and food security for everyone, to provide communities and businesses value through our unique technology



  • Manhat is honored to receive the Future100 Award 2024 at Investopia!

    March 4, 2025
  • Manhat is selected as one of the startups for the Blue Economy ClimAccelerator Malta program, managed by MALTAccelerate and supported by ClimAccelerator in collaboration with Island Innovation, F6S, MCAST, and the University of Malta.This program, implemented in partnership with the EIT Climate-KIC, is an incredible opportunity to collaborate, innovate, grow and contribute towards building a sustainable blue economy.

    January 18, 2025
  • November 18, 2024 marks five incredible years since our inception as a deep tech startup committed to innovating sustainable water technologies.

    November 19, 2024